Take a look. Notice anything?
The Santa Clara Valley isn't listed on it. Apparently they don't make Cabernet Sauvignon worth talking about in Santa Clara or San Benito counties.
They grow it in San Diego. In fact according to the official survey by the National Agricultural Statistics Service for 2008 they had a full 27 acres, plus there's 52 acres in Los Angeles. Marin County is a little smaller, with just seven acres planted. Solano County has a massive 361 acres. And don't forget that bastion of quality wine the Central Valley, home of Charles Shaw. Yeah, they grow an awful lot of wine there. (Or should that be a lot of awful wine?)
But Santa Clara and San Benito, with over 500 acres of Cabernet Sauvignon between them? Not listed.
There's definitely a message about branding here.
I understand your point in the branding image that the Santa Cruz Mountains wineries tend to portray. However, I would say a larger factor in the wine industry in CA is that the Santa Cruz Mountains doesn't have the larger producers (anything above 50,000 cases), which means it isn't drawing much of the "notoriety". It is an area of CA that seems to choose to remain good wine producers without really focusing on having to be seen as brand name.
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